Jeff S

Marketing Strategist / CMO

Brands and businesses have become caught up in all things data and digital. I believe the fundamentals of marketing still apply (and wrote a book about it, Why Marketing Works).

All the shiny new toys are great but without a clear and creative strategy, you have a loose collection of tactics doing nothing for your business. I take clients to a new place strategically to grow businesses exponentially. I do it with rigor, humor and fresh thinking.

The Best Fit

I like to say, I work with leading brands and brands wanting to lead. This means helping clients who have a deep appreciation for what branding and marketing can do for their business. I have worked with startups and members of the Fortune 500. I am completely comfortable on the shop floor and boardroom. What attracts me are complex problems and creative solutions.

Awards & Accomplishments

Brand Quarterly Thought Leader BNN, USA Today, Toronto Star, CNBC Marketing Leader Speaker at over 100 Conferences Quoted in over 100 Publications Edited The Brand Glossary; The Brand Marketers Report; Best Global Brands; Best Canadian Brands; Best Chinese Brands My book, Why Marketing Works, won the Publish or Perish contest and debuted at #1 in Advertising on Amazon.

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