Julie B


Left handed, right brained. Outgoing, enthusiastic, empathic, compassionate, comedic, collaborative, creative. Known for being the ice breaker, connection maker, developing and maintaining extraordinary relationships, bringing comfort to a conversation, welcoming confidence to shine and always finding a reason to smile.

I am a Freelance Photographer - with a demonstrated history of working with and capturing the best of professional athletes, celebrities, charitable gatherings, C-level executives and toddlers alike. I have experience working events in a variety of disciplines. My favourite works include a combination of community, charity and sport. I am experienced in photography, sales, event management, and communications - sharing required skills with a variety of events and charitable outlets across the country and beyond.

Originally from PEI, spent 20 years in Ontario and have since relocated to Vancouver but always willing to travel for exciting opportunities. Happy to help plan, promote, execute and photograph your next event!

Work Samples

The Best Fit

Clients looking for a lead photographer with a love for connecting and creating confidence. Standing in front of the camera is rarely a natural experience and I take pride in offering a fun energy where people allow their authentic selves to shine!

Connect with Julie

Let’s not make this creepy. We’ll email you just once and not again unless you explicitly ask us to.