Keith M

Strategic Marketing

I’ve worked across a wide variety of business categories over the past 27 years in both B2C and B2B… pretty much everything from sandwich meats to technology with a good dose of automotive marketing in between. In fact, if I was to have an area of expertise it would be automotive marketing – it’s a complex and quickly-changing environment that has applicable learnings for all consumer-related brands and segments.

My mantra is “know thy customer” – for only when you truly understand the motivations and relationships your customers have with your brand can you be successful. Most recently with one of my clients, leveraging in-depth customer research involving focus groups, in-person and digital mystery shopping, I was able to highlight and identify serious inconsistencies and issues in customer experience that were negatively affecting brand imagery and ultimately future purchase consideration and referral – the holy grail in these days where online customer reviews are critical.

My recommendations to implement lead management process improvements and customer experience training are now being executed with the view to ensuring a positive and consistent experience across all brands and retail locations.

My other mantra is “If you can’t measure it – be careful” – I’m a firm believer in measurability of all marketing initiatives and setting clear expectations at the onset for what describes “success” as it pertains to a marketing campaign.  

The Best Fit

I work with a wide variety of clients from start-ups needing brand, marketing and business planning & execution to established businesses who need dedicated marketing support – either remote or on site.

In most cases it’s an entrepreneurial spirit that my clients have in common. They are all looking to address specific business challenges be they revenue growth, expansion into new categories, redefining their brand, understanding their customers better or addressing ever-evolving customer-centric technology and its impact on their business model.

Clients who want to create an experience tailored to customer expectations based on their brand relationships are a perfect match for my skill set.

While the majority of my clients are based in Ontario I do work with businesses located from coast-to-coast.

Connect with Keith

Let’s not make this creepy. We’ll email you just once and not again unless you explicitly ask us to.

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